Sunday, July 5, 2009

Best Laid Plans

Despite our best training intentions, this whole studying for the bar thing is taking a lot more time and energy than we anticipated, and our training has suffered for it. There's a saying about bike tours: You train for the tour or the tour trains you. It looks like we're going to be pretty solidly in the second camp, which means we have a pretty painful first week of touring to look forward to.

We checked out flights to Vancouver one way and they were a whopping 400 bucks each- yikes. We're going to try moving the start date to a less popular day of the week in hopes of bringing that number down a bit.

We have just about all the gear we'll need for the tour- just missing a few odds and ends. Now we're trying to figure out what kind of fabric pen works best on dri-fit material- suggestions are welcome!

Be well,

Arik and Mia

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